an IB World School


International Baccalaureate

Cache La Poudre Elementary School has been a Primary Years Programme International Baccalaureate school since 2014. As an IB school, we have a commitment to provide a high quality, challenging, international education for all of our students. This is exemplified through having an internationally-minded perspective and a focus on the IB Learner Profile as a structure for guiding our learning.

IB Mission Statement

The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

The Primary Years Program of Inquiry, Grades K-5:

The Primary Years Program (PYP) offers a comprehensive, inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning. It is designed for all children in Kindergarten through Grade 5. The program focuses on the total growth of the developing child, affecting hearts as well as minds and addressing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic welfare.

Distinctive characteristics of the Primary Years Program include the concepts of transdisciplinary themes and an international student profile.

The 6 Organizing Themes of the Primary Years Program:

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program identifies six themes which provide the organizing structure for the content or program of inquiry. Each grade (K-5) explores the six themes during the school year. State of Colorado and Poudre School District content standards are addressed within the themes.

The Organizing Themes:

  • have significance for all students, all cultures;
  • offer students the opportunity to explore knowledge which is of genuine importance in understanding the human condition;
  • address the fields of knowledge which form the traditional disciplines but present these in a way which transcends these disciplines, thus facilitating transdisciplinary planning and teaching;
  • will be revisited throughout the students' years of schooling, the end result being an articulated curriculum content, from kindergarten to secondary school.

"Who we are"

An inquiry into: An exploration of the nature of the self; of our beliefs and values; of personal health: physical, mental, social, spiritual; of our families, friends, communities and cultures; of our rights and responsibilities; of what it means to be human.

"Where we are in place and time"

An inquiry into: An exploration of our orientation in place and time; of our personal histories and geographies; of history and geography from local and global perspectives; of our homes and journeys- actual and spiritual; of the greater journeys of humankind- the discoveries, explorations and migrations; of human achievements and the contributions of individuals and civilizations; of the descent and ascent of humankind; of the state of the race.

"How we express ourselves"

An inquiry into: An exploration of the ways in which we discover and express our nature, ideas, feelings, beliefs and values through language and the arts.

"How the world works"

An inquiry into: An exploration of the physical and material world; of natural and human-made phenomena; of the world of science and technology.

"How we organize ourselves"

An inquiry into: An exploration of human systems and communities; of the world of work, its nature and its value; of employment and unemployment and their impact, both personal and global.

"Sharing the planet"

An inquiry into: An exploration of our rights and responsibilities as we strive to share finite resources with other people, with other species; of individuals and communities, human and animal; of the relationships within and among them.

The Profile of an International Student:

A fundamental goal of the Primary Years Program is to nurture attributes which characterize a successful, international student. Primary Years Program students are:

Inquirers: Their natural curiosity has been nurtured. They have acquired the skills necessary to conduct purposeful, constructive research. They actively enjoy learning and the love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Thinkers: They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to make sound decisions and to solve complex problems.

Communicators: They receive and express ideas and information confidently in more than one language, including the language of mathematical symbols.

Risk-takers: They approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and have the confidence and independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are courageous and articulate in defending those things in which they believe.

Knowledgeable: They have spent time in our schools exploring themes which have global relevance and importance. In so doing, they have acquired a critical mass of significant knowledge.

Principled: They have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning. They have integrity, honesty and a sense of fairness and justice.

Caring: They show sensitivity towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a sense of personal commitment to action and service.

Open-minded: They respect the views, values and traditions of other individuals and cultures and are accustomed to seeking and considering a range of points of view.

Balanced: They understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well-being.

Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and analyse their personal strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner.


For more information, please go to the International Baccalaureate Organization national link or visit our school for a student-led tour.

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.